Welcome to the Red Wagon Farm Blog

Red Wagon Farm grows vegetable year-round using organic techniques. We also keep chickens and ducks for eggs.

We sell our produce and eggs at the Alpine Farmers Market at the Hotel Ritchey Courtyard on Historic Murphy Street. We all sell homemade pickles, relishes and mustards.

The farmers market is open every Saturday of the year, from 9 am until noon.

Monday, September 25, 2017

September 25, 2017

This year has been a good gardening year with some challenges thrown into the mix. But there have been some oddities that I am clueless about. There was the case with my tomatoes even though they made it through the very hot spell did not start to set fruit until mid September. I did not see why they didn't in July and August. Just no Idea.

Also the case of my second squash bed. It was sown in perfect squash weather but for some reason even though there were lots of bees, male flowers and female flowers, for several weeks the squash aborted  all of the fruit. Clueless!

Then recently with this same squash bed and my cucumber beds just over night 90 percent of the plants just stopped blooming. Maybe a few male flowers but almost non existent females. There have been a few cool overnight lows but nothing to shock the plants that I am aware of. Usually these plants just slowly stop producing not just finish overnight.

I am sure there is a reason for all of these things. At this point I am only clueless as to why. But it isn't for lack of pondering. Maybe it will come to me some night while I am sleeping. We can always hope.

Without finding a reason there is always the chance that it will repeat itself.  Or just might the extreme strangeness of this year. Who knows!!

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